★✦ November Wrap Up ✦★

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


I've decided to start up another re-read of Harry Potter!  It's that time of year again. 💗  I absolutely love this series.  But then again... Who doesn't?  And what better way to start off this re-read than to read the new MinaLima edition!?  If you haven't picked this edition up yet I can't implore you enough to do so.  The detail that went into it, and the interactive sections, are superb!  I have to say.. This is my all-time favorite edition that has come out yet.  Wow.  Legit.  I can't even. 😅  Go pick up a copy!!!!  You seriously won't regret it.  Oh, and I suppose I should talk about my feelings on the book...  It's Harry Potter.  I loved every second of reading it.  End of story.



Ok, so this book... It's not super memorable.  Not gonna go into too much detail as it's the ending of a series, but this last book focuses on both sisters and we get both of their perspectives.  We unfortunately don't get as much of the Caraval games which was disappointing.  Most of the story line is about the Fates and the two sisters, who have a lot of hard decisions to make when secrets start getting uncovered.  I gave it a 3 star rating because it was just kind of middle of the road for me. 😪  I was so excited to be able to finish this series too!  It was just.. I dunno, underwhelming I guess?  I wasn't a fan of the love triangles that were happening either.  Like why was it even necessary for Scarlet?!  Obviously Julian is her OTP.  Why would she go 'try someone else out'???  That whole thing was annoying.  Also, was I the only one who was rooting for Jacks and Tella to get together?  I could've gotten behind that!!!  Bah... Oh well.  This series started out amazing!  But was a tad lackluster in the end. I will say though that this book at least kept me engaged.  It wasn't boring.  Just a little cheesy.

Sense and Sensibility


Why don't I read classics more often?!  With this being my second Jane Austen book I was not disappointed!  This book centers around two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, who upon their father's death have to move away from the place they've always called home to a small town where they meet lots of really obnoxious, nosy neighbors. 😂  I mean seriously, I couldn't give this book the full 5 stars because of just how annoying they were!!  Well, that and the fact that the ending was soooooo abrupt it made me sad. 😔  I just wanted more!!!  Ok, anyway...  The drama, the dialogue, the romances that the two sisters found, the misunderstandings, the parties that they had, were just a few of the things I enjoyed so much.  And I have to say, I loved their mom so much more than the Bennett girl's mom in Pride and Prejudice.  She was supportive but not in an embarrassing way and she always wanted what was best for the girls.  Money wasn't her motivator for their happiness. Yeesh.  The Bennett's mom was awful!  Like I said before, I could've used some more time spent with everyone at the end.  Especially with Marianne and who she ended up with as her romantic partner.  All of that build up only to have two pages with them together!  Sad day.  Overall, this book was just what I was looking for and I can't wait to pick up my next Austen book. 💓

Way of Kings


What to say, what to say...  Way of Kings was amazing.  This chunk of a book took me a while to read and was so daunting when I first picked it up, but it was worth it.  We follow a wide array of characters who were all super enjoyable to read about:  Kaladin, a boy trained as a surgeon who just wants to be a soldier.  Dalinar, the king's uncle, who people think is slowly going mad from visions of the past he gets only when it storms.  Shallan, a girl who is desperate to save her family's name, and who will do anything to keep it that way.  And Szeth, a killing machine who cries when he kills but can do nothing about it.  Ahem, and those are only just a few of the characters that we meet..  All of this but with the impending doom that keeps surfacing of the Desolation that is about to come.  I can honestly say that there wasn't a single perspective that I wasn't interested in reading about.  Each time a chapter ended I just wanted more with that character but was immediately immersed in the next person's life and trials.  Will I pick up the next book and continue this massive epic fantasy that takes up entirely too much of my time?  YES.  How could I not?!  I need to know what happens next and I'm worried about this series only having four books out and being a whopping TEN BOOK SERIES.  How does Brandon Sanderson keep all of his like 20 different series straight?  The world may never know...


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